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I believe in open communication and a holistic approach to all aspects of women's health. I am happy to discuss all birth options and am a strong supporter of normal vaginal birth. I aim to make collaborative decisions and birth plans with you and your support person, including the decision around mode of delivery.

Dr Tetstall provides all components of pregnancy and obstetric care, including:

  • Preconception counselling

  • Antenatal care - counselling regarding aneuploidy screening, regular antenatal visits and management of any complications including external cephalic version (ECV) for breech presentation

  • Delivery - vaginal birth including after a caesarean (VBAC), instrumental and caesarean section (emergency and maternal request). 

  • Postnatal care - including your 6 week postnatal check up, cervical screening if it is due and discussion and planning of contraception if desired



Your first antenatal visit will take place at 8 -12 weeks gestation.


For this visit you will require:

  • A  GP referral

  • Copies of your antenatal screening bloods and urine

  • A copy of any ultrasound results you have had

  • A copy of your most recent cervical screening test


At this visit we will confirm your estimated due date, discuss and request first trimester screening as appropriate, and plan your antenatal care and management. A bedside ultrasound will also be performed. 


You will then be seen 4 weekly until 28-30 weeks, 2 weekly until 36 weeks and then weekly until delivery. 



399 Crown St



Parking provided at the rear of building.


Ph:   02 4271 5440

Fax:  02 4271 6148




Reception hours:

9am - 5pm            Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri

1pm - 5pm            Tues


If we cannot answer your call immediately, please leave a brief message and we will call you back - usually the same day.


Thanks for submitting!

    © 2019 by Dr Emma Tetstall.

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